A Natural History of the Nipomo Mesa Region by Corrine Ardoin available at the following locations: The Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center in Guadalupe, California and The Dana Adobe Cultural Center in Nipomo, California.

Fathers of Edenville
Available online at Black Rose Writing and many fine on-line book sellers around the world. Also, in California at the following locations: The Bookstore in Lompoc, The Book Loft in Solvang, and the Dana Adobe Cultural Center in Nipomo.
My natural history book was received well, garnered positive reviews and achieved local success. I hope everyone who reads "Fathers of Edenville" enjoys it, too!
And, don’t forget to tell your friends about it!

A Natural History of the Nipomo Mesa Region is as relevant in 2019 as when it was written in 2004. Join author, Corrine Ardoin, on her walk through the history, the love and the controversy surrounding this unique ecosystem. Including a Roadside Geology Tour with Ralph Bishop, Corrine’s book will take you back to a time when the Chumash witnessed their homeland change forever. Explorers, soldiers, surveyors, settlers, townspeople, the railroad, the ranchers, and the highways came to dominate the land. Reading this book may help you to see it as the Chumash had long ago, and even the Dunites who lived their rambling, idyllic lives in the ever-changing hills of sand, The Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes.
Lompoc Bookstore
Solvang Book Loft